3 Things You Should Know Before Getting Your Cat Nuetered

Getting your cat neutered can be a nerve wracking experience for you and your pet. Naturally, you may have some concerns about how you can make your cat as comfortable as possible before and after the procedure. Here are some steps you can take to make sure your pet gets the best care possible.

Water and Food Restrictions

You should not give your pet anything to eat overnight or on the morning of the surgery. This will reduce the risk of your cat vomiting while under anesthesia. You will also have to withhold food after surgery for a few hours. If your cat is very young or a senior and you do not feel comfortable leaving them without food for a few hours, then you should ask your vet how much food will be safe for your cat prior to and after surgery.

Ask About Pain Management

Your pet will experience some pain once the procedure is completed. It is important to have a pain management plan sorted out with your vet before the surgery. Pain management after surgery, allows healing to take place faster. Watch out for signs your cat is in distress despite being given pain relief, these signs include, pacing, aggression, lack of appetite and heavy breathing. If you notice any of these signs, call your veterinarian immediately. It is rare for cats to have complications after being neutered but it does happen, so be prepared.

Invest In An Elizabethan/Cone Collar

An Elizabethan/Cone collar that you can place around your cat's neck to prevent them from licking the incision and accidentally removing the stitches is a good investment. While it can make your cat a bit uncomfortable, it is often necessary to ensure that the site of the incision gets a chance to heal without interference from licking or nibbling. Your cat may need to keep on the collar for up to fourteen days to prevent the wound from being ruptured.

The younger you have your pet neutered the better it will be for their health and longevity. However, if your cat is older it is still valuable to get this procedure done to preserve their health. While there may be some discomfort for your cat after being neutered, the benefits for their long term health far outweigh the discomfort. If you are prepared, your cat will be as comfortable as possible and heal faster after surgery.

About Me

Pet Care 101: Tips For Pet Owners

Growing up in a house full of animals, I developed a love for caring for them all. I knew that working as a veterinarian would be too emotionally difficult for me to do. However, that didn't stop me from dedicating my adult life to learning all I could about animal care and treatment. Not only did that knowledge help me to take care of my own animals, it also made it easier to help my friends and family with their pets as well. I decided to create this blog to help others learn what I know. I hope the information here helps you to take better care of your pets.




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