5 Keys To Taking Care Of Your Cat After They Have Been Declawed

If your cat has been declawed, you need to make sure that you are ready to take care of your cat after their surgery.

Provide A Small Amount of Food

Give your cat a small amount of food after the declawing procedure. Your cat may feel nauseous after their procedure and may not be interested in eating that much. Providing your cat with a small amount of food may make eating a little more appealing.

Don't be alarmed if it takes your cat a few days to regain their appetite following the declawing procedure. If your cat is still not eating after three or four days though, you should contact your vet for advice.

Use Litter Crystals or Shredded Paper

Your cat's paws are going to be more sensitive, so you need to change the litter that you put in their box for them. You are going to want to use either shredded paper or litter crystals for the first two weeks following the procedure. These types of litter are easier on your cat's paws and will be less painful and easier for your cat to deal with.

Give Pain Medication as Prescribed by the Vet

Your vet should give you pain medication for your cat. Keep in mind that for your cat, the declawing process is a major surgery. It is not just like your cat's nails were clipped; the surgery involves changes to their muscles. Your cat is going to be in a lot of pain after their surgery. Make sure that your cat takes any pain medication as well as antibiotics that your vet prescribes for your cat. This will help your cat manage the pain.

Take Off Bandages on Time

You are going to be in charge of taking the bandages off your cat. Your vet should tell you when you should take the bandages off of your cat. Wait to take the bandages off until directed by your cat's vet.

Check for Swelling & Discharge

Check your cat's paws every day for swelling and discharge. If you see too much swelling or discharge around your cat's paws, get them back to the vet for treatment.

Remember that declawing your cat is a medical procedure and that you are going to have to take care of your cat following the procedure. You cat may feel a little nauseous, so don't be surprised if they don't eat that much in the days following surgery. Contact a veterinary clinic like Parkview Animal Hospital for additional advice.

About Me

Pet Care 101: Tips For Pet Owners

Growing up in a house full of animals, I developed a love for caring for them all. I knew that working as a veterinarian would be too emotionally difficult for me to do. However, that didn't stop me from dedicating my adult life to learning all I could about animal care and treatment. Not only did that knowledge help me to take care of my own animals, it also made it easier to help my friends and family with their pets as well. I decided to create this blog to help others learn what I know. I hope the information here helps you to take better care of your pets.




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